Sunday, November 8, 2015

EDU270 Journal 8

Now that you have created your own blog and used it through the previous eight lessons, describe in detail how you will use your blogging skills in your classroom.

    Blogging may be a great educational tool that give student's complete freedom tp publish content of the web.  If student's don't know how to effectively implement blogs into the classroom, then it's a waste of time to do so.  As a teacher, I will use my blogging skills to incorporate good writing skills and to help my students have their own personal voice and opinion by providing a safe environment.  This will also help to alleviate student's from stepping out of their comfort zone.
   Another idea I would implement in my classroom, would be to publish assignments, resources and keep students and parents up to date on what is happening in our classroom.  Organization would be another good source to use when blogging.  This will teach students organization skills.  Blogging will also teach my students good time management skills.  As a teacher, this idea will definitely help me become better prepared when starting my day whether in the classroom or outside of the classroom.

EDU270 - Journal 7

After reading and pondering the debate about teens lacking adult reasoning capacity, yet being held to adult consequences, what do you think this means for you as a teacher?

    I am still trying to figure out this debate.  It is a tough question, one that makes me concern about my own teenagers.  I have fraternal twins boy/girl, who are 14 years old.  As a parent and as a teacher, we are always looking for answers on how to understand teenagers and their way of thinking and actions.  I often ask myself the question, "Why do teenagers lack adult reasoning"?  As of today, I still have not found the answer.  I do however feel that as a teacher, I need to be compassionate and understanding to my students.  I would certainly hope that my students can build the confidence and trust to ask me, as their teacher, any questions they might have about and difficulties or situations they are currently going through.  Sometimes teens feel more confident when speak with other adults versus family members.
   Then there is that whole controversy of "peer pressure".  I don't understand why some teens feel that they have to forcefully be someone they are not just to fit in with other "cool" or "popular" crowds, as they put it.  Doing so, causes teens to get into trouble and make wrong choices.  This is where teens get involved in drugs, shootings, fights, gangs and many other wrong doings.  As a teacher I will do my best to understand my students so that together we can develop a good student/teacher relationship.  I want to be able to play a huge role in their lives as my students and to teach them the skills necessary to move on in life.  I would love it if my students would always have something to remember me by and be able to share it with their children.  Teaching is not an easy profession but I have learned that if you can develop a good relationship with your students, it will make for a smoother transition when teaching.  I have been a substitute teacher for 4 years and have learned so much from being in the classroom.  You also have to really enjoy what you do and try and reason with all your students.  

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How does math and music impact you as a teacher?

Music and mathematics have been the source of research in many areas of mathematics and in is used in everyday lives.  Studies have shown that children tend to learn math more proficient when being in a relaxed environment.  Music is a good way that a teacher can help children learn math.  Using various types of mathematical games would be a good approach to teaching math.  In the field of cognitive research, the mind and body connections between both music and mathematics might be able to explain why the small parts of the human brain are most active when listening to music as when being engaged in spatial-temporal reasoning.  Also, the visual and spatial skills that a child exercises every time he/she practices and instrument and plays music,might be able to strengthen the mental-physical connections of the brain.  The slow work of practice, the attention to detail and the discipline it takes to learn an instrument are also excellent preparations for the practice that is involved in building strong math skills.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Journal 5

After watching the videos on Language and Reading, how does this information impact you as a teacher?

As a teacher I believe that children should to acquire their language at home.  Parents should read to them daily so that they can build that foundation of language.  Talking to their child and having a conversation will help the child learn new words.  These activities are done on a daily basis at home so that when the children are ready to start school, they will already be comfortable speaking with their peers and adults including their teacher.  If at any time the teacher suspects that there could be a speech delay problem she/he need to schedule a parent conference with the parents to discuss outside resources and getting the child tested to see if the child will qualify for a special educator.  The same goes with reading, the child needs to have a solid foundation of language in order to be good readers.
 There are many speech delay problems that can occur such as having difficulties in the classroom with understanding oral directions, vocabulary kills, using complete sentences and or correct grammar, completing their homework assignments, in class assignments and can become easily frustrated.  As the teacher, I should be made aware of this problems and be able to prepare lesson plans in which I can introduce my students to phonemic awareness, create games in which my students can benefit from learning and grasping the language by sounding out various sounds words make.  Once this is accomplished then I can begin to introduce and teach reading

Thursday, September 24, 2015

EDU 270 Lesson 4 Journal

What does it mean to be relational as a teacher? How will you interact with your students to accomplish this?

Relational means being able to establish positive relationships with the students.  This is one of the most critical variables that are needed as a teacher to student relationship.  Making and maintaining a positive and a supportive connection with students.

As a teacher, I believe that I should be able to understand the capacities that each one of my students have.  Understanding there needs and capabilities, will help to motivate the students and will have a positive academic impact in all that they accomplish.  Being able to see that day-to-day conditions of my classroom leads to a culmination of my student's abilities.  Establish good relationships with my students will allow me the opportunity to get to know each one of them well enough to be able to access their abilities and be able to teach to their needs.  I believe that teachers must be able to know their student's and be able to work closely with each one of them everyday. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lesson 3 Journal: Attention and Emotions

As a teacher, I believe that learning should be enjoyable and nurturing.  Something that student's can take with them through adulthood and be able to implement or put those skills to use in their professions.  Listening to the student's needs is a very critical point because this will impact their ability to learn and to stay focused.  Being able to have open communication with the parents is another important aspect of a child's learning capabilities and skills.  Always being proactive when putting together lessons plans.  Lessons plans should be geared to meet the needs of the students.  Putting together fun activities to capture the student's attention is a great suggestion.  This helps get the student's attention and in tune with what is being learned.  If there is a suspicion about a learning disability, seeking outside resources is a must.       

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Journal 2

After watching the videos on vision and hearing describe how this information impacts you as a teacher.

As a teacher, I need to always become aware of any problems my students might have that might make it difficult for them to learn such as vision and hearing.  In doing so, it's important to try and solve these possible problems if there is one.  Early detection and treatment is a vital part of stimulation.  This will help access if there is any visual or hearing impairment.  If a problem is detected, it should be treated right away.  To try and prevent this from interfering in the child's life. Our eyes need our brain to be able to know how to change to fully use the sight we have.  A child may have a vision problem if they experience any of these symptoms: one eye that drifts or aims in a different direction, turns or tilts head to see, squinting or closing one eye when reading, strain or double vision.  There's many types of screening test to detect a problem.  If there is a concern, it is crucial to discuss the concern with the student's parents. Encouraging the parents to arrange for a full vision assessment with their local optometrist.

As with hearing, if there are students in my classroom that have hearing impairments, I would need to make some accommodations.  There are many types of accommodations that can be made such as: specialized seating arrangements, getting the students attention prior to speaking, reduce the background noise, reduce visual distractions, enhance speech reading conditions, present information in a simple structured and sequential manner, clearly pronounce speech, frequently checking for understanding of the topic and providing an educational interpreter, if at all possible.

In general, as a teacher, I should always be able to follow through with all of the resources that might be needed for any of my students.  I should also be in contact with the parents and other facilitators so that we can all work together as a team and be able to provide all of the assistance and or services that a student might need.